Developing custom solutions is an interesting and challenging undertaking. The process is a combination of software development, marketing, and artistic expression. The challenge is to combine the unique talents of the various participants and produce a successful solution in a timely fashion. This methodology is Viparious’ answer to that challenge. Below Viparious describes the Custom Solutions Development Methodology that will be used for all implementation efforts.
The methodology is not new or unique to Viparious; rather it is the specialization of generalized engineering and project management principles that have been used in other applications for many years. Documenting the methodology serves two purposes: 1) to clearly state Viparious’ intention to build a repeatable, consistent, and successful process for implementing customer solutions; and 2) to provide customers with a clear understanding of the steps needed to assure successful deployment.
The Custom Solutions Development Methodology consists of several phases. The phases provide a clear roadmap to follow for identifying the goals of the Custom Solutions, and making sure that those goals are met in the timeliest manner possible.
The phases consist of:
Presales and Sales
Your business' goals for the Custom Solutions are established, related solutions are presented, requirements are gathered and a proposal, which includes a price and completion, is signed.
Your business needs are identified and documented.
Components and interactions are specified, reuse is the primary goal, and generalized components are defined.
Defined components and system interfaces are coded and unit tested.
System Testing
System components are code inspected, interfaces are tested against the Functional Specifications, and the entire system is tested against the original business requirements.
User Acceptance Testing
You perform a set of tests, which verifies that the solution is ready for deployment.
System is readied for use in the production environment, roll-out is performed.
Modifications and repairs are made to the production system
Obviously, some of the effort of each of these phases may overlap with other phases (especially Testing), and a generalized quality assurance system must be in place to assure both that the methodology is being followed, and that the developed output meets or exceeds expectations.
Additionally, the methodology will require a consistent change control procedure, to assure that control documents can be updated with the latest information. This change control procedure will also require that appropriate customer and project team agents authorize changes.